"The world is full of justice. It is the fault of all the workers of the world if they make no use of the justice which is theirs for the asking. Nobody puts a revolver to a worker's chest and forces her to run up bills; nobody forces anyone to do so; not even the money-grubbing capitalist forces a worker into debt. To contract debts or not to contract debts is the greatest of all a worker's liberties.
"If the worker makes an improper and even positively dangerous use of this great liberty, which forms the very core of every national anthem of every people, one must not blame the banker or the industrialist. That is unjust and not at all fair.
"All people without exception are equipped at birth with free will. For all two ways lie open, the way to hell and the way to eternal joys and songs of praise in paradise. The inventor of the phrases "wage-slave" and "slaves of economic conditions" is the Antichrist of whom the apostles say: Beware. It is the sacred duty of all good, just, and noble people to hang their false prophets, or to seat them in the electric chair, or to designate them as fanatics and destroyers of the State."
                                                                                 B. Traven, Government

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